Sport and Health

Sports News

Queen Emma's has been awarded the School Games GOLD award!


We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the School Games GOLD Mark Award for the 2023/24 academic year. The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward and recognise school’s engagement (provision and uptake) in the School Games against a national benchmark and to celebrate keeping young people active, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.


Our physical activity and school sport achievements this in 2023-24 include:

• Under 9 Girls Football Oxfordshire Champions ⚽️🏆🥇

• Witney Schools Soft Archery Champions 🏹🏆🥇

• Entered 12 Events (54 children have represented the school)

• Bikeability for 30 Y6 children 🚴‍♀️

• Swimming sessions for all children in Y3-6 🏊‍♀️


We are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of physical activity and school sport, including those young volunteers, leaders and officials who made our events possible. We are committed to using the School Games to try and engage those young people who haven’t previously been active or represented our school and to try and ensure that all our students have a positive experience and want to try out new activities beyond school too in our community. We believe in the power of physical activity and school sport as a school and give opportunities to those young people that need it most either as a participant, leader, official or volunteer. As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas linked to the five School Games outcomes and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded this year.


A special thanks to parents, school staff and of course the children for their hard work and efforts in the past year. We look forward to applying once again in 2025!


SG L1 3 gold 2023 24



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We use PE Passport to support our PE teaching across the school - 


SPorts Clubs:

Premier Soccer Club (Foundation to Year 6) - Thursday 3pm-4pm



Every class from Foundation to Year 6 receives two PE lessons per week, usually comprising of one indoor and one outdoor lesson.

We follow a sequential, developmental curriculum that progressively builds on past experiences and incorporates new experiences when children are ready.  Lessons are not simply selected randomly with no obvious connections to past and future lessons, or just as a way to keep children “busy, happy or good” for 60 minutes. They are based on fundamental skills as well as game-based skills.

As a school we use the app 'Primary PE Passport', this app allows teachers to easily assess and monitor the progress of each individual within the curriculum.

"Leaders ensure that pupils gain a good understanding of healthy lifestyles. They provide pupils with games and sports at lunchtime. The curriculum ensures that pupils learn about the importance of a healthy diet and exercise. Pupils also take part in the 'daily mile', which provides additional opportunities to exercise" Ofsted Report, September 2018

"Pupils are encouraged to pursue interests and take up new experiences. They love attending many activities such as yoga, martial arts, science, arts and sports clubs. Events such as sports competitions and festivals are accessible to all, ensuring that pupils with SEND are able to participate fully." Ofsted Report, April 2024



At Queen Emma's we enter lots of competitions organised by the West Oxfordshire Sports Partnership. Over the past year we have entered:

  • Cross Country
  • Netball
  • Football
  • Dance
  • Athletics (Indoor and Outdoor)
  • Cricket
  • Soft Archery
  • Boccia
  • Hockey


Outdoor Learning

Learning need not take place solely within educational buildings. Outdoor time often provides the most memorable learning experiences and helps children to make sense of the world around them by putting their learning into a meaningful context. We are extremely fortunate to be set in large grounds and have an environment rich in opportunities and we make full use of our local area, including our school wild area, to enhance our educational provision.

Professional Coaches

Over the year we invite professional coaches to teach the skills of a sport to classes. This provides fantastic opportunities for our children to engage in exciting sports and learn from skilled professionals. It also provides amazing CPD for our staff. 


School Games Day

Each year, usually in June, we have our School Games Day. Children choose 4 or 5 races to take part in. They could choose: sprint, hoop, egg and spoon, sack, space hopper or obstacle race. We also have the 'highly competitive' parent's race!


Daily Mile

The aim of The Daily Mile is to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children – regardless of age, ability or personal circumstances. At Queen Emma's we have a marked out daily mile (13 laps of the playground = 1 mile)


Queen Emma's Sport on Twitter: 



Girls football

Girls Football League 2024-25 - 3rd place


Girls football comp

West Oxon Girls Tournament 2024-25 - runners-up


Tag rugby

Witney Tag Rugby Tournament - 5th place


Girls football 3 and 4

Year 3 and 4 Girls Football Tournament - 2024-25 - 5th place


Cross country

Witney Schools Cross Country Event



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Witney Schools Boccia League 2023-24


IMG 2685 U9 Girls Football - 2023-24 West Oxon runners-up and Oxfordshire Champions!!

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U11 Girls Football Team - 2023-24 Witney Schools Girls Football League


Team pic

U11 Sportshall Atheltics - 2023-24 joint 6th place in the Witney Schools Competition

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U11 Girls Football - 2023-24 - Witney Girls Football Competition

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U11 Boys Football Team 2023-24 - 'Minute silence' during fixture versus Ducklington


20230609 143618 U10 Boys Cricket Team - 2022-23 4th Place in the West Oxfordshire Dynamos Tournament


FywajceX0AA5PQd U11 Girls Cricket Team - 2022-23 West Oxfordshire Dynamos Champions - 1st place and 5th place in the County


W7 m ha66qPLnY Boccia Team - 2022-23 Witney Champions, West Oxfordshire Runners up and County Champions!