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British Values
What are British Values?
Fundamental British Values underpin what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Great Britain valuing our community and celebrating diversity of the UK.
These values are Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty.
Individual Liberty 2024-25
Our British Values afternoon focusing on Individual Liberty. Individual Liberty is the right to make our own choices, as long as they do not impact the rights of others. Each class explored this in a meaningful way.
In Blencathra, the children then illustrated the different choices they had made throughout the day, reflecting on the importance of personal decision-making. To celebrate what makes each of us unique, they held a special show and tell, where the children shared items that represented their individuality, sparking wonderful discussions about our diverse interests and experiences.
Ben Hope explored individual liberty in the context of the choices we and other people might make with the freedom they have. We discussed how some people make good choices and some make bad choices. The children all agreed they were glad to live in a country where they are free to make these choices for themselves.
In Everest Class, they learned about individual liberty and its importance at school and home. They discussed different scenarios and made decisions about the best actions to take. The children listed the choices they make daily and their favourite things in life, celebrating their individuality. They then expressed their creativity through colouring and designing their own masks. It was a fun and reflective session!
Olympus learnt about Individual Liberty with activities to develop confidence to say what they believe in and voice our opinions. They shared what they are proud of including resilience in martial arts, learning to ride a bike and our families.
The Rule of Law 2024-25
For our British Values afternoon on rule of law this year, the children built upon what they had learnt previously.
In reception the children are beginning to understand how to manage their actions in line with our school rules of Ready Respectful Safe. It is important young children recognise that boundaries are in place for safety, wellbeing and effective learning.
We talked about what safe play looks like and how to play inclusively with others. We talked about the consequences of our actions and looked at different scenarios to think and reflecting on right and wrong in different situations.
The children used role play, puppets, and hot seating to explore right and wrong. For example, they acted out different scenarios and then thought about what would happen and what would be the consequence of different actions. We loved acting out how our actions could change things and make things better.
Pupil voice:
Orion: I wonder if Eflie just woke up in a bad mood and we can cheer him up by being silly?
Nina: maybe someone said Elfie can't come to their party and he got cross and then sad?
Amelia: We could let Elfie put marble in the jar and then do a dance. That will cheer him up I think and he will be kind.
We discussed the importance of the law and what life would be like with no rules. We then designed our own kingdom and came up with 4 rules each, lots of us agreed showing kindness should be an important rule.
Sienna "the world would not be safe a place"
Ashirai "rules make everyone happier"
Ben Hope
We explored the British Value of rule of law by learning the meanings and differences between rules and laws in society. The children considered different rules and laws they are aware of or have to follow in their own lives. We then wrote rules and laws we believe should be followed in our class and outside of school life.
Pupil Voice:
“Rule of law means people have to follow instructions that the government make up.” – Lilly
“If we don’t follow the rules, we might go in time out but if we don’t follow the law we might go to jail.” – Khodi
“Laws are for everywhere and everyone.” – Lillian
In our recent British Values lesson on the rule of law, Everest class explored how laws shape fair and just societies. They used their creativity to design their own unique lands, focusing on values that promote a good quality of life for everyone. Each child thoughtfully developed five essential laws to guide their citizens, ensuring their societies remained safe, inclusive, and harmonious. It was an inspiring activity that showcased their understanding of justice and teamwork!
Pupil Voice:
Parker 'My law is no littering, I want my land to be clean. The police on my land will catch anyone not following the laws.'
Ruby 'No kids smoking, you have to be an adult. Also no cars speeding. Everyone has to be kind in RubyLand.'
Year 5 and 6: Etna and Fuji
We discussed the purpose of rules and laws, using the book Lord of the Flies by William Golding as an example of what could happen without laws being monitored and followed. The children then worked in groups to decide the essential laws they would need if they ended up stranded on a desert island – fortunately many of them decided they should not resort to eating each other.
Democracy 2024-25
For our British Values afternoon on Democracy this year, the children built upon what they had learnt previously.
KS1 explored the British value of democracy by engaging in a book vote! The children discussed how many votes everyone should have to make it fair, and we counted the results together to see which book the children preferred. We all agreed to accept the winning book even if it wasn’t what we voted for.
Pupil Voice:
“We all only get one vote – all the kids and the grown-ups. That’s fair.” – Mahmoud
“We did a vote for what book we could read. We counted all the cubes together to make it fair” – Ollie
“Democracy means everyone gets a vote and it’s fair.” – Esma
Year 3 and 4
We held elections for school council representatives, explaining the importance of the voting process and how fair voting means we are in a democracy. We gave speeches, sharing skills and readiness for the role. Everyone had an equal vote and our choices were a collective decision.
Pupil voice:
We voted for one person each. It was fair – Henry
We got to vote for our next Just Read book in class. I liked how it was our choice – Amelia-Rose
Year 5 and 6
In year 6 we revisited our work on the Ancient Greek invention of democracy, and compared the Greeks’ method with how voting happens in the United Kingdom. We followed this by carrying out a series of polls on truly vital topics. In order to carry out these votes, we tried four different voting systems used around the world – to choose the best children’s cartoon we used First Past the Post – the standard UK system – which declared Bluey as the clear favourite. This prompted some discussion, as Alfie pointed out that some children hadn’t seen the cartoons in question (apparently Pingu and Sarah and Duck aren’t that popular), which made it harder for them to vote and highlighted the need for more prior information before voting.
Next, we used the Majority Voting to choose the best pizza topping. This required a second-round vote with the lowest two choices eliminated (ham and pineapple and vegetarian), before a clear majority of pepperoni votes won.
To determine the best shape (circle, according to Mount Fuji, beating square by 1 point), we used the Ranking system, choosing our top 3 shapes and assigning them points based on their ranking.
Finally, we used the Weighted system to decide what we should have as a class pet. This meant that different groups were given additional votes to place, in order to balance the group size. This meant that despite naked mole rat receiving more votes, purple frog gained more points in total. On the plus side, this meant we didn’t get a bald uakari or a saiga antelope (much to Mr Armstrong’s disappointment). This system did not go down well with the class and the result was met with a great deal of protest of unfairness and rebellion.
Individual Liberty 2023-24
We celebrated British Values focusing on Individual Liberty in school this week.
In Olympus class, Early Years and KS1, the children looked at our Colour Monster calming corner and talked about how they were feeling and what they could do to help a friend. We talked about self confidence and what we are good at. The class drew a picture to explain how they enjoy their own individual liberty and shared some examples of this.
Pupil voice:
Laith: When I grow up I am going to choose to be a dad. I will live with my dad and we will be dads together.
Penelope: I can get to choose what I have for breakfast. I like breakfast in bed.
Gwille: I can choose my friends and the adventure at lunchtime
Lillian: I choose to work hard on my reading and I am going to be a gymnastics teacher when I am a grown up.
Tristan: I am very good at designing and making. Especially with boxes and tape, I am a super brilliant super star!
- As part of our focus in PSED we learn about on self-confidence and self-awareness.
- We provide opportunities for children to develop their self knowledge, self esteem and increase their confidence in their own abilities
- We encourage a range of activities that allow children to explore the language of feelings and responsibility
- We reflect on their differences and understand they are free to have different opinions from those around them
- We encourage and support children to make safe choices, allow them to take risks in a safe, well planned and supervised environment.
- We encourage self-serve at snack times and daily helpers to develop self confidence and self esteem
- We use targeted praise and positive language to increase confidence
- We use photos and children’s comments/views to highlight achievements, promoting the process rather than the end result
- These are shared in our floor books, the website and on Tapestry
- We have created an emotions area with a display to help children manage their own emotions and help them to develop empathy
- We support children to make choices by considering the environment, furniture and resources and make changes accordingly e.g we recently adapted our role play area and the children have an additional focus table which is a vets.
In Everest we thought about what 'Individual Liberty' looks like in school, we thought about the choices we can make to express how we are feeling and what the good an bad consequences of various actions might look like.
In Snowdon, we explored 'Individual Liberty' in the past and present. The children learnt that in the past, many people did not respect 'Individual Liberty'. Now we respect other peoples' differences, allowing them to look, speak, think and believe whatever they choose.
Pupil voice -
"People believe what they believe. Don't force people to believe what you believe." Mia-Rose
"Say if someone said that the word gay is weird and say it isn't." Freddie
In UKS2, we discussed the value of liberty and the importance of each of the points on the UN's Human Rights Charter, highlighting how priviledged we are in our country to be able to take these rights for granted. The children took each of the rights in turn and discussed their relative merits before placing them in order of importance within their groups. Finally they selected one right that they felt was the least valuable and shared their reasoning with the rest of the class. In year 5, the general consensus was that the right to possessions was least important, as they could see more value in the protections offered by the other rights. Year 6 were more divided, but our decision came down to a choice between Care and Happiness, as many felt that humans are inclined to instinctively offer those and it didn't need to be a right, and Freedom of Movement which many felt was something they could live without as they have so much to offer in their own country.
Democracy 2023-24
Blencathra class: 2024-2025
During our British Values afternoon, Blencathra class explored the British Value of Democracy. We discussed how democracy is implemented at Queen Emma’s, focusing on the importance of listening to and respecting the views of others. The children examined various school scenarios and determined whether they demonstrated democratic principles. To put democracy into action, we held a book vote, using cubes to fairly decide which book would be read at the end of the day. It was a great way for the children to understand and practice democracy in a meaningful way!
"I found it fun to vote for my favourite book, I really wanted my book to win!"
"We should always listen to what others have to say, even if we don't agree"
"We should always treat everyone fairly because it would be unkind not to"
Democracy - Olympus class:
In early years we support children to make decisions together. We encourage them to see their role in the bigger picture, to know their views count, value each other’s views and values and talk about their feelings, for example when they do or do not need help, eg vote with a show of hands.
Adults support the decisions that children make and provide activities that involve turn-taking, sharing and collaboration. Children should be given opportunities to develop enquiring minds in an atmosphere where questions are valued.
Like many of the other British Values, it’s also about making sure that everyone has equal rights and is treated equally. Each child’s view matters. It is important they are given the opportunity to share and collaborate to make decisions together.
In early years Olympus class, we thread democracy into all areas of school life:
- Enabling children to feel comfortable with questions is an important part of improving their confidence. We ensure our class environment allows inquiring minds to ask questions e.g in group discussions and circle time.
- Many of the British Values encourage sharing and collaborating, and it’s one of the most important skills children learn in the early years. We develop provisions that are encourage and support collaborating and working together towards a common goal wherever possible e.g making an obstacle course in the garden using wooden blocks, planks and plastic crates.
- We actively encourage democracy by getting the class involved in decisions, such as voting to decide about provision. We voted to decide which small world provision we would like out and the children chose space resources including rockets and astronauts. Letting them be a part of making displays and other things around the setting is also allowing them to actively participate in a democracy.
- We play games that encourage children to work together and share their views.
- Today we worked as a team to: vote for our chosen story at group time, design a shape picture with a partner, design a house for a small world animal, make an obstacle course.
Democracy - KS1:
In Blencathra, children were split into different groups, or parties, and campaigned to promote which book they wanted to be read at the end of the day. The children had to plan, write and deliver a speech to the class explaining why their book was the best choice. They then voted using ballot papers.
Democracy - Snowdon:
In Snowdon, we held two elections - a local election for our table representative and a general election for our class Prime Minister. The children took part in a hustings, giving speeches to justify why they should represent the class and debating against their opponents. We created polling stations in which the children experienced taking their polling card to be checked, and privately voting on a ballot. We discussed the importance of all people being entitled to an equal vote, and were very pleased to congratulate our Prime Minister who won by a landslide 14 votes!
Democracy - Everest:
In a bustling classroom filled with eager minds, the air was charged with excitement as Year 3 and 4 embarked on their very own democratic journey. Inspired by lessons on democracy and the British voting system, the class dove headfirst into the intricacies of governance and representation. With a newfound understanding of how elected officials are chosen, they embraced the opportunity to elect their very own class librarian.
Transforming their classroom into a bustling polling station, each student was equipped with a polling card, a symbol of their right to participate in the democratic process. As they carefully marked their preferences on the ballot papers, the room buzzed with anticipation, echoing the essence of a true democratic exercise.
After the votes were cast and counted, a victor emerged, chosen by the collective will of the class. With gratitude and humility, the newly elected class librarian stepped forward, acknowledging the trust bestowed upon them by their peers. It was a moment of pride, not only for the elected candidate but for every student who had engaged in the democratic process with fervor and integrity.
As the class librarian expressed their gratitude to the voters, the classroom reverberated with applause, a testament to the power of democracy in action and the spirit of civic engagement instilled in the hearts of these young minds. In this classroom, democracy wasn't just a concept; it was a living, breathing reality, shaping the leaders of tomorrow one ballot at a time.
Pupil Voice:
Charlie "I won the vote, I got the most votes which means I am the new librarian."
Bianka "It is very fair as everyone gets one vote each."
Henry "I didn't know that people can vote for themselves as well."
Democracy - Etna:
This week in Year 5, we learnt about Democracy. It was a perfect opportunity for the children to build on their understanding of fairness, equality, and participation in society. As a class we looked at the democratic process, setting up a polling station where they had to vote for a ‘Class Prime Minister’.
From this activity the children understood that every voice matters, regardless of age, gender, or background. It also gave them a sense of responsibility towards making decisions collectively and respecting differing opinions.
“I learnt about democracy and that it meant the people would vote for a local MP. The place you vote is called a Polling Station. We also spoke about the Suffragette movement where ladies protested for equality” Jonathan
“We had a polling station in the class and had to vote for who we wanted to be the Class Prime Minister. Then we learnt about the right to vote because about 100 years ago if your skin colour was different, if you were a woman you weren’t allowed to vote” Rose
Democracy - Fuji:
In year 6, we discussed the democratic right to protest. We started by looking at the actions of the climate change activist group Just Stop Oil, and discussed why they were taking these controversial actions, before debating whether they were justified – is it ok to disrupt daily life if the purpose is important enough? For the most part, the class felt that the cause was important, but that some of the actions were too extreme – for example, blocking roads could lead to people not being able to reach hospital or get to work on time. We discussed whether less disruptive protests like posters and billboards might still be effective. We then looked at a brief history of protests that have lead to positive change, from the suffragette movement in the early 20th century, the civil rights movement of the 1960s in the USA and the UK and the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020.
Following this, we looked at the positive protest art of Bob and Roberta Smith and created our own positive slogans in their style.
AJ: I felt that the Just Stop Oil weren’t justified getting in the way of people’s daily life, but what they’re doing is important because they want to help save the world. Maybe they should get big banners and stand where people can see them but not be in the way. It is important that people can protest, because things have changed, like women can vote now.
Aleks: I learned that some people handcuff or stick themselves to things to protest. They care for the Earth but I think they don’t realise they’re ruining things too by getting in the way. Maybe they should put things on the internet or have signs on the side of the road instead. I do think people should be able to protest, because there are problems and they want to solve them, but not getting in the way and making life difficult. I liked the art we looked at, with the positive things like ‘Be Happy’ and ‘Happiness is Key’.
Harry: We learnt about how Just Stop Oil blocked the roads to stop cars going passed, and threw paint at paintings. People protest if they disagree with something, like wanting women’s rights. I think it’s a good thing because women deserve the same rights as men. I liked the protest posters we looked at because they were colourful, with short catchy slogans so people would pay attention to them.
The Rule of Law 2023-24
Reception and Year 1 Olympus class, learnt about the British Value Rule of Law. This means understanding the rules set in place for everyone and why they are important. It's also about following the rules to keep our society and our communities in order. We discussed our school rules: Ready Respectful Safe and what this looks like for us.
We played Ruler for the Day where children said what rules they would bring in if they were in charge! We talked about rules being there to help people and although it would be nice to have a rule that made us eat chocolate every day, it wouldn't be healthy for us.
Here is a selection of some of their brilliant ideas to celebrate pupil voice:
Leia: if I was a princess in charge, I would make everyone eat broccoli every day and also they have to do some reading and homework to get really clever. That's the rule!
Penelope: if I was the boss I would make everyone wear a tutu every day and they have to put on a face mask to make their skins soft and luscious.
Zach: my rule would be: keep learning as it is important and the rule is you do it all your life
Laith: if I was king you would have to play football every day, that's the rule.
Isabella: my new rule is we all have to watch and play on the computer all day everyday!
Jacob: we will have a one day at school and six days having a rest at the weekend rule!
Year 1 and 2 discussed our 3 school rules and through having a school council we can share our voice. They read a book called 'All are Welcome', and discussed how we treat everyone the same and are welcome to be a part of Queen Emma's regardless of our differences.
Year 3 and 4 discussed the differences between laws and rules and between punishments and consequences. The children imagined what the world would be like without laws and what the school would be like without rules. The results of those discussions were that we would live in a very dangerous place.
Pupil voice;
"I enjoyed that we learnt the difference between a punishment and a consequence and I liked that we were able to work together to discuss the questions. I would now like to know which consequences you get when you break a law."
"I liked that we learnt the difference between a rule and a law. I would now like to know more about the rules and laws there are in the country."
In Year 5 and Year 6 we explored laws and rules and what they are. First we were introduced to the words 'law' and 'rules' and asked what we thought they meant. Some of us knew what they meant, some of us didn't. In Year 5 we explored Road Safety in more detail and the different punishments you may get such as: fines, if they are really bad you could get sent to prison and parking tickets. In Year 6 we started talking about how long you might be in prison for things such as: murder, verbal assault (ie threatening someone) and burglaries. We talked about rules that we have family wise, football and any sports and other different situations. Someone explained how if they didn't do their chores they don't get their iPad which shows a real life rule for that child. We then had a chance to create our own laws, rules and then the punishment and whether that was fair or unfair. This lesson was entertaining because our teachers gave us the opportunity to explore our own imagination and what we thought about rules and laws.
Written by Sam C and Katy W
Pupil Voice;
'We learnt about rules and laws. I liked writing my own rule and law because it was fun.'
'It was fun because we made up our own laws and rules and we made up our own punishments. We decided if the punishment was fair or unfair. We had to explain what rules and laws are. The difference between them is a rule applies to only a group of certain people but a law applies to everyone. We shared stories about road safety and rules we have at home.'
'We learnt that there is a difference between laws and rules. We explored some unique rules such as ‘you cannot look suspicious while holding a salmon’.'
Mutual Respect 2023-24
Our British Values focus in Olympus was Mutual Respect and Tolerance. In Early Years our ethos centres around the idea that children should acquire a tolerance and appreciation of and respect for their own and other cultures; know about similarities and differences between themselves and others and among families, faiths, communities, cultures and traditions and share and discuss practices, celebrations and experiences. Our Understanding the World, People and Communities sessions provide lots of opportunities to learn about what makes us special and unique, respecting difference in others and celebrating the richness of our culture, community and traditions.
We talked about the activities we love, what our friends like and how we can be different but still be friends and respect each other. We celebrated our pupil voice:
Thomas: My cuddly is called Jet and Jacob has Dizzy, they are both soft and cuddly but different. We are still brothers and friends.
Oliver: I like Messi Laith: I think Ronaldo is one of the best football players, but we can still be friends and we both like football!
Leia: I like LOL dolls and Clara likes the babies but we still play drawing together..
Penelope: I love Anna and Elsa Sienna: I love my brother Noah and Penelope doesn't have a little brother, but we both are friends.
Humaira and Penelope: chatted about the fact they both have curls and both like art but Penelope does not celebrate Eid. Penelope said she loved Humaira's Mehndi patterns.
During our British Values day focusing on mutual respect Blencathra explored the fundamental principle of treating everyone with equality and politeness. We emphasised the importance of respecting others' opinions, even when they differ from our own. This led us to create acrostic poems with the word "RESPECT," where students expressed their understanding of this core value. The poems were both beautiful and thoughtful, highlighting how everyone deserves a voice and must be treated as equals. This activity not only reinforced the value of respect but also showcased the creativity and empathy within our group.
Alena: "I show mutual respect by listening to others opinions"
Riham "I treat people how I like to be treated"
Mohammed "I show respect when playing football against another team"
Year 3 and 4
We delved into the British Value of mutual respect and tolerance. The children explored what makes each of us unique and special, fostering an environment of understanding and appreciation for our differences.
- Behaviour - Ready Respectful Safe
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- British Values
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