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The School Library
At Queen Emma's school we know that reading is the key skill that enables access to... everything! Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Robinson are our Reading Leaders, making sure that everyone is taught to read (decoding) and keeps reading. If you want your child to keep reading, you have to find the right books that will interest and inspire them. That is what our school library is for - to interest and inspire readers.
Everyone in school is timetabled to visit the library at least once a week. We encourage every child to read at home, both with their family and independently. Younger children are encouraged to borrow two books from our library - one that they can read independently and a second one that they would like to have read to them.
We expect children to read or be read to every day (please download our homework expectations document for more details).
For KS1 pupils, each class visits the local library every time we begin new project work to enable them to find exciting books that link to the school curriculum.
- Behaviour - Ready Respectful Safe
- Curriculum Intent
- Home Learning - Learning with Parents
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- Reading
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- Subjects: Art and Design
- Subjects: Computing
- Subjects: Design and Technology
- Subjects: Geography
- Subjects: History
- Subjects: Maths
- Subjects: Modern Foreign Language
- Subjects: Music
- Subjects: PE
- Subjects: Religious Education
- Subjects: RSE
- Subjects: Science
- The School Library
- Thrive
- OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning)
- Enrichment Clubs
- British Values
- Personal Development
- Year 6 Residential 2024
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