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Subjects: Religious Education
Religious Education
We follow The Oxfordshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. The children will ‘learn about religion’ and ‘learn from religion’ as they reflect on their own beliefs.
Which religions do we teach?
EYFS will explore a variety of religions through their Early Learning Goals and by exploring they key themes; special people, special stories and special places. Christianity Judaism Islam Hinduism Sikhism Buddhism |
KS1 |
Year 1 and 2 will learn Christianity Judaism Islam |
LKS2 |
Year 3 and 4 will learn Christianity Judaism Hinduism |
KS2 |
Year 5 and 6 will learn Christianity Islam Hinduism |
We use ‘Understanding Christianity’ to teach children the core concepts of Christian belief, as expressed in the Bible and lived out in the lives of Christians today. The core concepts reflect a view that the Bible tells a ‘big story’ of salvation. The approach in RE is to revisit the core concepts throughout the different key stages, deepening pupils’ understanding and making the links to the overall ‘big story’ or ‘salvation narrative’. The teaching and learning approach enables pupils to engage with a variety of Bible texts in order to explore how Christians understand the core concepts. It explores ways in which Christians might live in the light of these texts, within the Christian community and in their individual lives. It allows pupils to reflect on some of the questions and puzzles that arise from the Bible, and to consider any implications or connections with their own lives and ways of understanding the world.
We use ‘Discovery RE’ to teach children about other world religions. Discovery RE works co-operatively with ‘Understanding Christianity’. It takes children on a learning journey from their own world to a world of religion and belief, learning about aspects of each religion in order to offer answers to a big enquiry question, and then closes with an opportunity to express their own opinions and learning.
Our Curriculum Map
Term 1 |
Term 2 |
Term 3 |
Term 4 |
Term 5 |
Term 6 |
Theme: Special People
Key Question: What makes people special?
Religion: Christianity, Judaism |
UC Concept: Incarnation Key
Question: Why do Christians perform Nativity plays at Christmas?
Religion: Christianity |
Theme: Celebrations
Key Question: How do people celebrate?
Religions: Islam, Judaism |
UC Concept: Salvation
Key Question: Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden?
Religion: Christianity |
Theme: Stories Key
Question: What can we learn from stories?
Religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism |
Theme: Special Places
Key Question: What makes places special?
Religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism |
Year 1 and 2 A |
UC Concept: Creation
Key Question: Who made the world?
Religion: Christianity |
UC Concept: Incarnation
Key Question: Why does Christmas matter to Christians?
Religion: Christianity |
Theme: Passover
Key Question: How important is it for Jewish people to do what God asks them to do?
Religion: Judaism |
UC Concept: Salvation
Key Question: Why does Easter matter to Christians?
Religion: Christianity |
Theme: Shabbat
Key Question: Is Shabbat important to Jewish children?
Religion: Judaism |
Theme: Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Key
Question: Are Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur important to Jewish children?
Religion: Judaism |
Year 1 and 2 B |
UC Concept: God
Key Question: What do Christians believe God is like?
Religion: Christianity |
UC Concept: Gospel
Key Question: What is the good news that Jesus brings?
Religion: Christianity |
Theme: Prayer at home
Key Question: Does praying at regular intervals every day help a Muslim in his/her everyday life?
Religion: Islam |
Theme: What did Jesus teach?
Key Question: Is it possible to be kind to everyone all of the time?
Religion: Christianity |
Theme: Community and Belonging
Key Question: Does going to the Mosque give Muslims a sense of belonging?
Religion: Islam |
Theme: Hajj
Key Question: Does completing Hajj make a person a better Muslim?
Religion: Islam |
Year 3 and 4 A |
Theme: Diwali
Key Question: Would celebrating Diwali at home and in the community bring a feeling of belonging to a Hindu child?
Religion: Hinduism |
UC Concept: Incarnation
Key Question: What is Trinity?
Religion: Christianity |
UC Concept: Creation/Fall
Key Question: What do Christians learn from the creation story?
Religion: Christianity |
UC Concept: Salvation
Key Question: Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’?
Religion: Christianity |
Theme: Hindu Beliefs
Key Question: How can Brahman be everywhere and in everything?
Religion: Hinduism |
Theme: Pilgrimage to the River Ganges
Key Question: Would visiting the River Ganges feel special to a non-Hindu?
Religion: Hinduism |
Year 3 and 4 B |
Theme: Beliefs and Practices
Key Question: How special is the relationship Jews have with God?
Religion: Judaism |
UC Concept: People of God Key
Question: What is it like (for Christians) to follow God?
Religion: Christianity |
Theme: Passover
Key Question: How important is it for Jewish people to do what God asks them to do?
Religion: Judaism |
UC Concept: Easter
Key Question: Is forgiveness always possible for Christians?
Religion: Christianity |
Theme: Rites of Passage and good works
Key Question: What is the best way for a Jew to show commitment to God?
Religion: Judaism |
UC Concept: Kingdom of God
Key Question: When Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost?
Religion: Christianity |
Year 5 and 6 A |
Theme: Prayer and Worship
Key Question: What is the best way for a Hindu to show commitment to God?
Religion: Hinduism |
UC Concept: Incarnation
Key Question: Was Jesus the Messiah?
Religion: Christianity |
UC Concept: Gospel
Key Question: What would Jesus do?
Religion: Christianity |
UC Concept: Salvation
Key Question: What do Christians believe (What did) Jesus do to save Human Beings?
Religion: Christianity |
Theme: Beliefs and moral values
Key Question: Do beliefs in Karma, Samsara and Moksha help Hindus lead good lives?
Religion: Hinduism |
UC Concept: God
Key Question: What does it mean (for Christians) if God is holy and loving?
Religion: Christianity |
Year 5 and 6 B |
Theme: Beliefs and Practices
Key Question: What is the best way for a Muslim to show commitment to God?
Religion: Islam |
Theme: Christmas
Concept: Incarnation
Key Question: How significant is it that Mary was Jesus’ mother?
Religion: Christianity |
UC Concept: Creation
Key Question: Creation and science: conflicting or complementary?
Religion: Christianity |
UC Concept: Salvation
Key Question: What difference does the resurrection make for Christians?
Religion: Christianity |
Theme: Beliefs and moral values
Key Question: Does belief in Akhirah (life after death) help Muslims lead good lives?
Religion: Islam
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