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Early Years: Olympus
Welcome to Olympus
Spring projects in Olympus reception class:
Starry Night: This project explores the differences in the world at night compared to during the day. It teaches children about the importance of a good night’s sleep, and helps them to discover what is happening in the world while they are sleeping, including finding out about nocturnal animals.
Our Companion project will be Winter Wonderland: This project teaches children about the changes that happen during winter, including the types of weather associated with winter. It also explores places that have snow all year round and the types of animals that live there.
Our open sessions for Olympus families will be once a term and are an opportunity for you to come in to share your child's learning, share activities including art.
Memorable experience:
We went for a walk during the day around the school grounds. Families came back to school with their parents and carers after dark. During the night walk, we spent time looking at the forest area and the night sky, but it was very cloudy! We enjoyed hot chocolate and biscuits.
Things the children could do
- Make shadows using torches
- Play a game of musical statues using the torches – if the spotlight hits them as they are moving, they are out
- Count the stars
- Talk about the shape of the Moon
- Look for a shooting star
- Hunt for hidden reflective items on the night walk with their torches
- Shine the torch through their hands. What can they see?
- Drink hot chocolate
- Watch a forest trail cam recording of the forest at night
P.E. takes place on Monday afternoons - the children come in wearing their sports kit.
Forest School is an incredible session and enables children to develop their core strength and motor skills, be creative, learn about nature and the environment and a wealth of other opportunities. Forest School takes place on Friday mornings. The children need comfortable warm clothes that may get muddy. If you have a pair of boots please name them and send in. We have waterproof trousers.
Tapestry: Please check in regularly to access observations made in class and to see activities to support your child at home. We share Ruth Miskin videos linked to individual Read Write Inc. groups.
Learning With Parents: links are sent out weekly for home learning opportunities to share. Simply click on the link sent out by text or email - no passwords and very suer friendly. You can watch the topic video with your child and then share a hands on practical activity that is always fun. The children read five times per week at home. We have a celebration board in class and add photographs and comments regularly.
If you have any questions, please speak to Mrs Wavish (class teacher, assistant school leader) or Mrs Olive (nursery nurse).
We hold regular workshops regarding your child's learning this year. These may be whole class, small groups or individual sessions. Details are shared on Tapestry and you will be invited in at a mutually convenient time. Upcoming sessions include: maths and targeted phonic workshops and open sessions linked to our new projects. Recent events include an autumn Harvest celebrations where the children made artwork, explored autumn playdough and sang Dingle Dangle Scarecrow and Big Red Combine Harvester to their families.
Useful websites to support maths learning at home:
Information for parents regarding 'Helicopter Stories':
Page Downloads | Date | |
Knowledge organiser for Starry Night | 09th Jan 2023 | Download |
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