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How do we Assess?
Our assessment policy is aligned to our curriculum and is an integral part of the learning process. The curriculum is mapped out against end of year, curriculum-related expectations (CREs), ensuring quality in depth teaching and learning. Central to this is a focus on formative assessment as a tool to guide learning.
Assessment in our school generates continuous improvement and supports achievement.
- takes place in all year groups
- is across all subject areas.
- all assessment in our school is meaningful and avoids unnecessary recording or tracking
Assessments take the form of observations, formative assessments (using the feedback planner), discussions, formal assessment of written work, low stake tests and more formal testing. Our approach is inclusive, and we strive for children of all abilities to achieve.
A copy of our Assessment Policy is available in our Policies and Procuderes section and can be found here.
- Behaviour - Ready Respectful Safe
- Curriculum Intent
- Home Learning - Learning with Parents
- How do we Assess?
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- Subjects: Computing
- Subjects: Design and Technology
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- Subjects: RSE
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