KS1: Ben Hope






This project teaches children about everyday life and families today, including comparisons with childhood in the 1950s, using artefacts and a range of different sources. Your child will explore the stages of life that a person goes through, from baby to elderly, focusing particularly on children and their experiences in the past and present. The children will explore significant events in their lives and in the lives of people in the 1950s, looking specifically at the coronation of Elizabeth II. 




Place value; Addition and Subtraction; Shape


KS1: Grandad's Island (Narrative); The Day the Crayons Quit (Persuasive Letter); Little Red Reading Hood (Traditional Tale with a Twist); Strange (Poetry) 

Memorable Experience

Life in the 1950s-1970s Museum Workshop 


Historical vocabulary; Historical artefacts; Timelines; Everyday life and childhood in the 1950s; Significant events – Queen's coronation; Enquiry


Companion project: Our Wonderful World

This essential skills and knowledge project teaches children about physical and human features, maps, cardinal compass points, and positional and directional language. They learn about the equator, hemispheres and continents and are introduced to the countries, capital cities and settlements of the United Kingdom. The children carry out simple fieldwork to find out about local physical and human features.


Companion project: Everday Materials 

Materials; Natural materials; Human-made materials; Grouping materials; Properties of materials; Venn diagrams; Comparing and testing materials; Working scientifically – Identifying and classifying, Observing changes over time, Comparative test, Pattern seeking, Research

Companion project: Human Senses

This project teaches children that humans are a type of animal known as a mammal. They name and count body parts and identify similarities and differences. They learn about the senses, the body parts associated with each sense and their role in keeping us safe.

Design and Technology 

Companion project: Shade and Shelter

This project teaches children about the purpose of shelters and their materials. They name and describe shelters and design and make shelter prototypes. Children then design and build a play den as a group and evaluate their completed product.

Art and Design 

Companion project: Mixing Colours

This essential skills and knowledge project teaches children about basic colour theory by studying the colour wheel and colour mixing. It includes an exploration of primary and secondary colours and how artists use colour in their artwork

Companion project: Funny Faces and Fabulous Features

This project teaches children about the concept of the portrait and how the collage technique can be used to make a portrait.


We are Rhythmic

In this project, the children will use Scratch Jr and Garage Band to create patterns of sounds. 

PD/ PE Indoor Dance; Outdoor multi-skills (throwing and catching; developing balance and coordination) 
PSHE Developing positive relationships; Stages of life; Changes
Religious Education


What do Christians believe God is like?

What is the good news that Jesus brings?

Music Singing - Articulation, dynamics and expression