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CAMHS – Child and Adolescent Mental Heath Service
What is CAMHS?
CAMHS is the name for the NHS services that assess and treat young people with emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties.
How do I get help from CAMHS?
The first step to getting help from CAMHS is usually that your child will be referred for a CAMHS assessment. This referral can come from parents/carers, a teacher, GP or young person if over 16 years old.
How can I make a referral to CAMHS?
Parents can make a referral by calling Single Point of Access 01865 902 515.
What happens at a CAMHS assessment?
After your child has been referred, they will be put on a waiting list for an initial appointment (often known as an ‘assessment’). This might be a phone call with the CAMHS team to get to know your child and see how they can help.
If you are offered an appointment this will generally take place at a CAMHS clinic. But, in some circumstances, they may meet with you and your child at school or home.
When you meet, the team will ask you questions to understand what your child is struggling with and to get a better idea of what support is needed.
For further information please click on the links below.
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